exercise Category

what people wear to the gym: don’t do this!

There are certain items that people wear to the gym that are totally inappropriate. Here’s a short list and why: Flip-flops. Flip-flops are great for the beach, but terrible for the gym because it’s easy to trip since there’s equipment to maneuver around, and it’s going to be a dangerous situation if a weight drops […]

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Tracy Anderson exercise DVDs review

I saw Tracy Anderson, a skinny little blond woman, fitness trainer to the stars, on The Dr. Oz show where she did a mini arm workout, and I followed along. My arms were tired after just a few minutes, and I work out with weights consistently, so I got two of her DVDs, shown above. […]

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Best exercise to tone & arms (lose arm fat)

The best exercise to tone (strengthen) the arms, tighten up that lose skin and lose arm fat, are push-ups. If you can’t do full push-ups, start on a higher elevation, and work your way down to the floor as you get stronger. Best exercises to tone arms and lose arm fat: push-ups (narrow, diamond, chaturanga, […]

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Workout fanatic, but still fat?

I know people that workout twice a day, every day, which is fine, if that workout is a walk. The problem is when every workout is super intense and/or for an extended period of time. One woman I know does Crossfit, which is high-energy, fast-paced weight-lifting. Then she’ll do another hour-long workout, like a kickboxing […]

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Can cardio increase body fat?

While I agree that everyone should do cardiovascular activities to keep the heart healthy and the blood flowing, I don’t want people to solely do cardio because they want to lose body fat. If you do too much cardio, you’ll lose muscle, slow your metabolism, and increase your body fat, so if your goal is […]

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Don’t stretch post-workout!

I remember exercise classes that had us stretching beforehand, it didn’t feel good then, and, later that idea was scrapped because stretching a cold muscle can pull that muscle. Now, we’re told we shouldn’t stretch after a workout either. What?  Apparently, stretching after a hard workout can make it harder to recover. The thought process […]

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Is weight-lifting best for fat loss?

If you’ve been reading my blogs for a while you know that I used to do a lot of cardio, but, no matter how much time or energy I put in, I couldn’t lower by body-fat. I found that weight lifting allows me to reduce my time exercising, and gets rid of body fat much […]

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